La mode comme indiscipline
Azzedine Alaïa Foundation

la mode comme indiscipline - collective work
Culture(s) de Mode and the Azzedine Alaïa Foundation invite you to the book launch for La Mode comme indiscipline, with Claire Brunet, Mathieu Buard, Cyril Cabellos, Céline Malet, Aurélie Mossé and Gabrielle Smith, and Olivier Saillard.
Exhibited, mediatised, praised or criticised, fashion defines a significant part of the material history of our societies. Reflecting its complex and mobile industry, it is a discipline in the making, an interdisciplinary field of research that has gradually appropriated the analytical frameworks and critical tools of neighbouring sciences, while at the same time feeding off its own paradoxes and ambiguities.
Between permanence and novelty, materiality and immateriality, Fashion as an indiscipline aims to bear witness to the richness of this creative field by outlining the current state of thinking about, by and for fashion. Researchers, philosophers, creators, performance artists, collectors and artistic directors have been invited to work together to explore these territories through four central themes: the formation of styles between clichés and emancipation ; forms of fashion conservation, both artistic and heritage; the relationship between this industry and the market; and finally the current creative processes, from an ecological and resilience perspective.