6 pm
au cœur des maisons de couture
une histoire sociale des ouvrières de la mode 1880-1950

au cœur des maisons de couture by Sophie Kurkdjian and Sandrine Tinturier
The reputation of the "savoir-faire à la française" is well established. What is less well known, however, are the realities of work and the behind-the-scenes aspects of a Parisian industry that has relied and still relies on "petites mains".
But who were they? From the Belle Époque to the Trente Glorieuses, how did society view midinettes and their guild? Where did these workers come from? What was their job? Where did they live? In which conditions? With what leisure activities, and what aspirations?
By inviting us to meet these anonymous workers, Sophie Kurkdjian and Sandrine Tinturier brilliantly combine the social history of a profession that was unionised very early on, the history of techniques and the cultural history of a national jewel. They offer an exciting and unexpected insight into the world of fashion.