claude parent

exhibition view ph. andrea aversa
It is an unknown fact that the legendary architect (1923-2016), the theoretician and practitioner of the “oblique function”, a source of inspiration for generations of architects, artists and thinkers, did his national service with André Courrèges and began his career as a fashion illustrator.
From the summer of 2015 to February 2016, he had worked on a series of fashion drawings inspired from Azzedine Alaïa’s designs: these ink drawings, reworked with his grandson Laszlo Parent, crossed with a silver line marking the oblique dynamic of the clothing, represent fascinating attempts at understanding an art he considered close to his own – an art of life.
The totality of these drawings will be exhibited: they include the original inks, further re-elaborations, sketches on tracing paper; and the very last pieces, unfinished, to which the silver line is missing, dating from a few days before his death. They make this the architect’s last project.
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making of the exhibition claude parent, dessiner la mode - video: Sylvie Delpech