When I see beautiful clothes, I want to keep them, preserve them...clothes, like architecture and art, reflect an era. Azzedine Alaïa

The Foundation’s mission is to preserve, study, create a digital inventory of, and showcase the collections.It will also be responsible for the rotation and protection of the works exhibited and will ensure a detailed documentation of each of the works thanks to a digital database.
The Foundation entrusts a team of professional archivists with the preventive conservation of the collection, its maintenance, restoration and storage.
The Foundation’s role also includes the inventory and conservation of a large collection of documents, drawings, photographs and patterns of the work of Azzedine Alaïa in addition to drawings and photographs from other couture houses, 19th century fabric swatch catalogues, and magazines from 1900 to today.

the preparation of the exhibition at the Borghese Gallery, Rome, 2015 ph. said